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In the common language, the creativeness word has assumed today much meanings and it is hard to find an univocal definition. 
However, for one clear characterization, we can intend the creativeness as the capability of the human mind to elaborate the data that come submitted by the reality to create from there again and original. 
Our meanings: expressions of a subjectivity that is capable of take an objective subject and manipulate it, or interpret it, thanks to the emotions, to the intelligence and to the experience until extract the oneness and to find the perfect formula.

The genius and the laugh, the intuition and the light.
The study of processes of the brain has highlighted as the creativeness is a well-curb and really formality of interaction of the individual with the world, a specific mental process with which the individual builds and creates the really relationship with the reality: to see it, think it, interpret it and interact with it. 
In the circle of the Neuroscience, however, intends this human characteristic not only as a set of operational ability of the mind, the like enable and determine the cognitive strategies of the subject, but also as process not modulate, combinational, of analogical type.
And is one's own this last one that is effected creditable to the multiplicity of specific neural connections, that work between of them in continuous interaction. 
In this optics, the definition of creativeness is that of an interactive potential of neuro-physio-psychological operativity, that allows you to create and recreate in the memory in the long term new (original, subjective, authentic, unexpected,…) meanings, new category, new symbolic, new simbolical entity and neuronal net.
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