The Creative Community CREATHEAD (www.creathead.com) can be measured: since the launched of the
Classification of Creatives, an hit parade of the most visited Creative showcases, we have registered over 4.000.000
visits, a result that remind us our community's increasing popularity and encourages us to present the companies with a communication proposal aimed at young, creative and eclectic target audience which is open to change.
• Brief drafting
• Opening the reserved areato allow the uploading of works
• Drafting and sending DEMs to the community to promote the creative contest and invite people
in participate to it
• Inserting a rotating Banner in the HomePage
• PR activites - Digital PR - Buzz Marketing and Social Media Marketing
• Banner on the community - Formats available: Leaderbord (728x90px) and lateral Box
• DEMs completly customized to the 60.000 Creathead's contacts
• Special projects studied for your company's needs