Italy > Veneto > Padova Via Padova 35100



My name is Giulia Zanata! I live in Padua, I was born in 1998. I work as a professional model, I have experience with professional and private photographers in Italy and in Europe. I propose myself as Read more

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My name is Giulia Zanata! I live in Padua, I was born in 1998. I work as a professional model, I have experience with professional and private photographers in Italy and in Europe. I propose myself as a model from fashion up to nude art, I'm available for travelling with expenses refund!

Sex: F

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience:

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

Portfolio Skills

  • Photo book
  • Photos of Underwear
  • Photos of Nudo

Favorites showcase

  • No commments
Address : Italy > Veneto > Padova Via Padova 35100
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