Italy > Piemonte > Torino

Marco Cotugno is a PR and Events from Torino with < 5 years of experience


I have completed a BSC in Logistic Engineering at the polytechnic of Turin, and a MSc in marketing at the University of Turin and I am keen to keep working in the world of Marketing and communication. Read more

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I have completed a BSC in Logistic Engineering at the polytechnic of Turin, and a MSc in marketing at the University of Turin and I am keen to keep working in the world of Marketing and communication. I enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae for your consideration.

I would welcome the opportunity to utilise the knowledge and the experience I have gained over the years. The MSc in Marketing have taught me a lot about communication and team work and my current job made me really understand how important is to being able to adapt to different situations and how to manage my time in order to complete all the tasks required for the day. Teamwork is what I really like and my life experience taught me how to adapt to different culture and people.

One of my biggest predilections is my passion for Information Technology. I have been able to polish my knowledge of computing, Internet and web communication through activities that have included a one month-long web design course, extensive personal reading and further online classes, such as the CPU Academy’s iPhone and iPad developer course, which have helped me deepen my interest.

Apple is part of these passions. For the research of my job I follow Simon Sinek’s view who said on “if you hire someone just because they can do a job they will work for your money, but if you hire people who believe what you believe they will work for you with blood and sweat and tears”.

Yours sincerely,
Marco Cotugno.

Employer: Responsabile Marketing

Years of Experience: < 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Piemonte > Torino
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