Italy > Puglia > Taranto

Marisa Vestita is a Illustrator from Taranto with 5-10 years of experience


Marisa Vestita was born in Taranto in 1975. As a child she insisted that her parents pay for her to have lessons in drawing. She studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce and at the same Read more

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Marisa Vestita was born in Taranto in 1975. As a child she insisted that her parents pay for her to have lessons in drawing. She studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce and at the same time she did internships in comics, stage design and stage-craft . Always curious about everything regarding the world of images, in 2002 she moved to Milan where she received her first commissions as an illustrator. She is very interested in applying computer technology to art and completed a course in digital graphic design (using Mac) at the European Institute of Design. She shows in major exhibitions throughout Italy. To date, she collaborated with Giunti Editore, Baldini & Castoldi, Dalai Editore and with the magazines Gioia, Psychologies, Linus, Grazia and Natural Style. Can contact she to her mail address or her telephone number or contact her Agent for English countries email: [email protected] web:

Employer: Illustratore

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Puglia > Taranto
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