Italy > Piemonte > Torino Caluso

Patrizia Levi is a Illustrator from Caluso with >20 years of experience


I am an author and designer. After the Diploma of Artistic High School I specialized in the design for fabrics "at the Marangoni Institute for Clothing in Milan". After several years as a fabric Read more

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I am an author and designer. After the Diploma of Artistic High School I specialized in the design for fabrics "at the Marangoni Institute for Clothing in Milan". After several years as a fabric designer, in 2008 I started working as a freelance, and I made decoupage papers for the major Italian companies in the sector; but I also dealt with logos, portraits, trope l'oeil. Always a finalist in the naturalistic drawing competitions "Oasis draws nature". In the "Ardea" competition of naturalistic design, 3rd classified; my work exhibited at the "Royal Archaeological Museum of Naples". Winner of the "Design your LOQI" competition for a shopper project (Berlin). I wrote and published: "The stories of the basket (The author Books - Florence); "When the clouds burn" (Youcanprint Edizioni); "Man in a wheelchair is looking for an ideal woman ... maybe a mermaid" (Youcanprint Edizioni). Designed, written and illustrated the self-produced book series "I TUBOLIBRI" or "I LIBRI DEL TUBO" or "I LIBRI NEL TUBO"; titles: INBOCCAALLUPO, SI RE NA, How God hid his Soul; (numbered books, on which I intervene manually so that there is not one book like the other. I make gadgets inspired by TUBE BOOKS, my stories or illustrations; sometimes with the collaboration (for illustrations) of Ross (Rosario Actis Grande).
All my creations are protected by PATAMU.COM
I aspire to market my creations through a widespread diffusion, as well as being able to put other ideas on the market, which have so far only been designed.
Do not hesitate to contact me for the purchase of my creations or work proposals. Mobile. 3402229624 E mail: [email protected]

Sex: F

Birthday: 15.06.1964

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience: >20

Qualification: Media Superiore

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Graphics design



Illustrations for children

Illustrations for children


Digital Image



Interior Decorating




Address : Italy > Piemonte > Torino Caluso
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