Italy > Lombardia > Milano

Andrea di Carpegna Varini is a Illustrator from Milano with 5-10 years of experience


Hi. My name is Andrew of Carpegna Varini, and they are in prevalence an illustratore/storyboardista/cartoonist, painter, fumettista. I have worked in past as scenografo for cartoons of Opopomoz, Read more

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Hi. My name is Andrew of Carpegna Varini, and they are in prevalence an illustratore/storyboardista/cartoonist, painter, fumettista.
I have worked in past as scenografo for cartoons of Opopomoz, coconut bill, the signor red and others.
Opopomoz has gone out to the cinema and the others on the rai.
Besides this I devote me to the music, martial arts, animation for children and I develop the activity of educator near an elementary school to Milan Attualmente I have collaborated lavorativamente with a community of Vimodrone in the province of milano.The Kayros to manage a laboratory of comic strip....and varying various, also use of airbrush and bombolette spray to paint etc objects.
Interesting experiences that give to me so much as man and artist, and to them the opportunity to experiment him in anything of detail.
For the continuous rest to bring ahead besides my activities of volontariato and pedagogic / social, also my jobs.
Comic strips, illustrations, pictures, cartoons work graphic and everything how much both image to 2d.
Manual and digitalis.
I have also worked in a study of production audio / video.
The study dueeffe making varied jobs.
From the fotoritocco, to help cameramen, photos, assemblage and various..
For some jobs you/he/she can be gone to see on and to write mario flandoli.
In alcunin you work my name and last name it will also appear.
One of the most important jobs last year has been "A bath of stars", projected to the planetarium in Milan.
I am now beginning to enter the world of the shows and to have some possibilities to expose my jobs with the hope to be able to sell them.
For whoever it was interested to see contacts you have them.
I hope you are in so many.
I would have so many things to tell but I stay here for now me.
I hope to meet you and to be able to give you all the explanations that you believe necessary.
Thanks to everybody.
Yours Sincerely.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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