United Kingdom > London High Road Londra 12b

gianmarco d'emilia is a Graphic designer from Londra with >20 years of experience


I design, I create, I sketch, and I read every day. If I am not doing any of these things, it’s because I am thinking about them. I am a curious person and I would love to learn everything; from Read more

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I design, I create, I sketch, and I read every day. If I am not doing any of these things, it’s because I am thinking about them.

I am a curious person and I would love to learn everything; from design to code, photography to art. I want to touch my limits to know, at least, what is the meaning of doing something just to be able to say I HAVE TRIED!

Sociable, open minded and passionate about people’s beaviour and psychology, I am a quick learner an I could be the perfect asset to your company.

Confucius said: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." And I feel like I haven't work one day for the last 14 years!

• Proficiency in wireframing and sketching using Omnigraffle, Axure or Balsamiq
• Passionate about psychology and human behaviours
• Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
• Advances in the use of the Adobe CC Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat)
• Good hand coding skills (Html5, Css3)
• Great creativity skills, concept research and development
• Proficiency in Prototypes and Mockups using Axure, Balsamiq, InVision and Marvel
• Excellent in the use of the Ms Office Suite (PowerPoint, Words, Excel)
• Strong interest in anything, curious by nature, up-to-date with the latest trend
• Passionate about technology
• A team player able to work within a wider content creation team and across multiple departments within the business
• Willing to go the extra mile
• Passionate for user-centred design, service design and knowledge of information architecture, usability, accessibility, interaction design
• Keen on take responsibility
• Experience with Social Media and online communities
• Good knowledge of front-end technologies and frameworks (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, Twitter bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Ionic)
• Keen to learn new software and platform
• ‘Can Do’ attitude able to remain approachable and helpful to others
• Great ability in mentoring and be mentored

Sex: M

Birthday: 29.08.1983

Employer: Designer Senior

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

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Address : United Kingdom > London High Road Londra 12b
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