Italy > Abruzzo > Pescara

Andrea Cutelli is a Photographer from Pescara with 5-10 years of experience


Photography has provided an outlet for my creative nature and continues to provide balance between the scientific/logical and artistic/spiritual sides of my being. Balancing the technical aspects of Read more

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Photography has provided an outlet for my creative nature and continues to provide balance between the scientific/logical and artistic/spiritual sides of my being.
Balancing the technical aspects of the images and their capture, with the artistic elements of capturing or processing the image and the emotive response of the result of that endeavor, I continually seek images which connect me to the wonders and joys of life.

Employer: Fotografo

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: Si

Portfolio Skills

  • CoronaVirus
  • Outdoor photos
  • Interior photos
  • Natur photos
  • Reportage Photo
  • Photographic portraits

Favorites showcase

  • No commments
Address : Italy > Abruzzo > Pescara
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