Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Biondelli, 9 Milano 20141

LUIGI GATTINARA is a Photographer from Milano with >20 years of experience


"Professional photographer since 30 years, I live and work in Milan.I work mainly for Advertising and also directly for many companies operating in different sectors (food, technology, jewelry, Read more

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"Professional photographer since 30 years, I live and work in Milan.I work mainly for Advertising and also directly for many companies operating in different sectors (food, technology, jewelry, furniture, banks ....) by several years, contributing to many campaigns of important visibility.I also exhibited my works, Fine Art, in Italy, Paris, Berlin and New York.
Publications: “Still Light”, "Fine art Dipingere con la luce"E Book for SeBook- Simonelli electronic book.
[email protected]

Sex: M

Birthday: 13.01.1952

Employer: Fotografo

Years of Experience: >20

Portfolio Skills

  • Advertising
  • Other
  • CoronaVirus
  • Curriculum
  • Photo Furnishings
  • Fashion and Images photo
  • Food&Beverage photos
  • Photo Still life
  • Photographic portraits

Favorites showcase

  • No commments



Photo Furnishings

Fashion and Images photo

Food&Beverage photos

Photo Still life

Photographic portraits


Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Biondelli, 9 Milano 20141
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