Italy > Basilicata > Matera

Paola Di Serio is a Interior Designer from Matera with >10 years of experience


[email protected] - [email protected] The art of 'color to life as the life of a' color art, these are the words of Matisse, the artist Paola Di Serio convey not only loves his Read more

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[email protected] - [email protected]

The art of 'color to life as the life of a' color art, these are the words of Matisse, the artist Paola Di Serio convey not only loves his lifestyle, but also to art, that day after takes shape day by his ideas. His studies began in the picturesque and charming city 'of Matera, later moving to Ravenna, brimming with works of art center, which houses one of the most' qualified Academies of Fine Arts, specializzante acquisition of the mosaic technique, becoming the main place of learning and experimentation phase that will 'eventually completed the Master with a major in Barcelona.

Employer: Designer Senior

Years of Experience: >10

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Basilicata > Matera
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