Italy > Lombardia > Milano Milano 20132

Marzio Isaya is a Graphic designer from Milano with >20 years of experience


MARZIO ISAYA graphic designer is a communications and image 'laboratory' which through the pooling and interaction of a variety of independent yet complementary and co-ordinated professional resources Read more

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MARZIO ISAYA graphic designer is a communications and image 'laboratory' which through the pooling and interaction of a variety of independent yet complementary and co-ordinated professional resources is able to supply a complete range of services for the creation, enhancement and defence of the image of a company, or product, as well as the mapping out of a strategic communications plan.
More than ten years' experience in various product sectors enables us to develop efficiently and at competitive prices, novel ideas for support products such as:
- company and product trademarks, corporate identities
- brochures, catalogues and pamphlets
- publications, house organs, newsletters
- advertisements and press campaigns
- packaging and merchandising
- illustrations and computer graphics
- interactive multimedia presentations

Sex: M

Employer: Grafico

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

Portfolio Skills

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Exhibition stands

Brochures and Publications

Corporate Identity

Food&Beverage photos


3D Images





Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Milano 20132
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