Italy > Piemonte > Cuneo

zoographico grafica+illust.. is a Advertising Agency from BOVES


I am a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Italy. I have experience in creating illustrations for children's books, book covers, brochures, packaging, corporate identity and Read more

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I am a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Italy.

I have experience in creating illustrations for children's books, book covers,

brochures, packaging, corporate identity and everything related to creativity!

I have worked for many prestigious clients including UNESCO and Italian Ministry for Cultural and Environmental.

I have worked more than ten years in the visual arts and since 2009 I become owner of zoographico.

Feel free to contact me for anything at all whether it be a question, a quote or a friendly hello.

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Brochures and Publications

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Address : Italy > Piemonte > Cuneo
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