Italy > Lombardia > Milano

Matteo Monico is a Senior Designer from Bresso with 5-10 years of experience


I am a designer and graduated in Design for the Performing Arts and Communication at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan), specialized in stage design and costumes and I deal with design, Read more

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I am a designer and graduated in Design for the Performing Arts and Communication at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan), specialized in stage design and costumes and I deal with design, construction, event planning and better communication of their .
I have matured over the years working with major advertising agencies, production and advertising experience and expertise in the areas of Branding, Packaging, Advertising, Design and construction events, and as a graphic art designer and set designer, costume designer.

Currently I work in the trial of a design language "metascenico" capable of fusing together visual communications, design and performance to capture and express the breath of our time, through works, designs and solutions created with the latest computer technology and the most ancient and traditional craft techniques of art.

My professionalism and creativity gave birth in 2010 the network "MetaScena Art Design", which stood as an important interlocutor of agency production, communication, advertising as well as to businesses and individuals.
MetaScena provides communications solutions and creative design for ad hoc events, luxury, institutional and promotional activities and collaborated with the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera and the institutions for cultural projects and workshops to promote higher education.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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